Access to our sites with reduction
The following groups are entitled to a reduction of the entry fees of our sites, or can enter for free:
- With reduction (upon presentation of concerned card):
- Students
- Foreign military
- Members WHI non-profit ass.
- WIPO status
- Fed+ (max. 1 accompanying person)
- For free (upon presentation of concerned card):
- People with a handicap + buddy
- Card 365 + buddy
- Card ICOM
- Press
- Teachers Card
- Members Belgian Defence
- Veterans
- Holders of a statute of national acknowledgment
- WHI employees + 1
- Members of the WHI Board
- Members of the WHI Scientific Council
- Members of the WHI Heritage Council
- Chairperson and Board members of WHI societies + active staff + active volunteers (based upon an annual list supplied by the chairpersons)
- Museumpass